program tournament; type mat=record nu:string; sc:byte; end; var v:array[1..6] of mat; s,sa,s1:string; i,j,k,p1,p2,poz1,poz2,aux:byte; este,sortat:boolean; er1,er2:integer; begin j:=0; for i:=1 to 6 do begin readln(s); s1:=copy(s,1,pos(s,' ')-1); delete(s,1,pos(s,' ')); este:=false; for k:=1 to j do if v[k].nu=s1 then begin poz1:=j; este:=true; end; if not este then begin inc(j); v[j].nu:=s1; poz1:=j; end; s1:=copy(s,1,pos(s,' ')-1); delete(s,1,pos(s,' ')); este:=false; for k:=1 to j do if v[k].nu=s1 then begin poz2:=j; este:=true; end; if not este then begin inc(j); v[j].nu:=s1; poz2:=j; end; s1:=s[1]; delete(s,1,2); val(s1,p1,er1); val(s,p2,er2); if p1=p2 then begin inc(v[poz1].sc); inc(v[poz2].sc); end else if p1v[i+1].nu then begin aux:=v[i].sc; v[i].sc:=v[i+1].sc; v[i+1].sc:=aux; sortat:=false; sa:=v[i].nu; v[i].nu:=v[i+1].nu; v[i+1].nu:=sa; end; until sortat; repeat sortat:=false; for i:=1 to 3 do if v[i].sc