type team=record p,g:integer; nm:string; end; var s,n1,n2:string; aux:team; t:array[0..4] of team; x,i,j,s1,s2,n:byte; begin //assign(input,'a.in');reset(input); //assign(output,'a.out');rewrite(output); n:=0; for i:=1 to 6 do begin readln(s); x:=pos(' ',s); n1:=copy(s,1,x-1); delete(s,1,x); x:=pos(' ',s); n2:=copy(s,1,x-1); delete(s,1,x); x:=pos(' ',s); val(copy(s,1,x-1),s1); delete(s,1,x); val(copy(s,1,length(s)),s2); for j:=1 to n do if t[j].nm=n1 then break; if t[j].nm<>n1 then begin inc(n);t[n].nm:=n1;t[n].g:=s1; if s1>s2 then t[n].p:=3 else if s1=s2 then t[n].p:=1; end else if t[j].nm=n1 then begin inc(t[j].g,s1); if s1>s2 then inc(t[j].p,3) else if s1=s2 then inc(t[j].p,1); end; for j:=1 to n do if t[j].nm=n2 then break; if t[j].nm<>n2 then begin inc(n);t[n].nm:=n2;t[n].g:=s2; if s1t[j].p)or((t[i].p=t[j].p)and(t[i].g>t[j].g))or ((t[i].p=t[j].p)and(t[i].g=t[j].g)and(t[i].nm