var s1,s2:string; kk,i,x,j,k,n:longint; f:text; c:string[1]; function atr (var s1:string; var s2:string):string; var i:byte; s:string; begin s:=''; for i:=1 to length(s2)-length(s1) do s:=s+'0'; s:=s+s1; atr:=s; end; function calcul (s1,s2:string):string; var suma,x1,x2,i,c:byte; e:integer; s:string; x:string[2]; begin s:=''; c:=0; for i:=length(s1) downto 1 do begin suma:=0; e:=1; val(s1[i],x1,e); val(s2[i],x2,e); suma:=x1+x2+c; c:=0; if i=1 then begin str(suma,x); s:=x+s; end else if suma>9 then begin c:=1; str(suma mod 10,x); s:=x+s; end else begin str(suma,x); s:=x+s; end; end; calcul:=s; end; function ss (k:longint):string; var i:longint; r:string; begin r:='2'; for i:=1 to k-1 do r:=calcul(r,r); ss:=r; end; begin assign(f,''); rewrite(f); readln(n,k); for i:=1 to n do begin read(x); kk:=k; for j:=1 to x do begin if j=1 then write(f,' ',ss(k),' ') else write(f,ss(kk),' '); kk:=kk+k+1; end; writeln(f); end; close(f); reset(f); while not(seekeof(f)) do begin s1:=''; c:=''; while c<>' ' do begin read(f,c); s1:=s1+c; end; while not(seekeoln(f)) do begin read(f,c); s2:=c; while c<>' ' do begin read(f,c); s2:=s2+c; end; if length(s1)>length(s2) then s2:=atr(s2,s1) else s1:=atr(s1,s2); s1:=calcul(s1,s2); end; delete(s1,length(s1),1); writeln(s1); readln(f); end; close(f); end.