import sys def solve(type, n, m, map): currentId = 0 joins = [] sizes = [] lastRow = None for row in map: iPlot = 0 lRow = len(row) pRow = [] while iPlot < lRow: current = [row[iPlot], None] if lastRow is not None and lastRow[iPlot][0] == row[iPlot]: current = lastRow[iPlot] sizes[current[1]] += 1 if iPlot > 0 and pRow[iPlot - 1][0] == row[iPlot]: if current[1] is None: current = pRow[iPlot - 1] sizes[current[1]] += 1 elif current[1] != pRow[iPlot-1][1]: sizes[current[1]] += sizes[pRow[iPlot - 1][1]] sizes[pRow[iPlot - 1][1]] = 0 pRow[iPlot - 1][1] = current[1] if current[1] is None: current[1] = currentId currentId += 1 sizes.append(1) pRow.append(current) iPlot += 1 lastRow = pRow return max(sizes) if __name__ == "__main__": type = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip()) n, m = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().strip().split()) map ="\n") if type == 1: print solve(type, n, m, map) else: print "3 4\nv"