//Problem #A from Codeforces MindCodingFinal2 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define fi first #define se second #define int64 long long map val; char txt[1000]; int st = 0; void str() { string aux = ""; while (st < int(strlen(txt)) and txt[st] != ',') { char c = txt[st]; if (c == ' ') ; else aux += c; ++st; } ++st; cout << val[aux]; } void flo(int p) { string aux = ""; while (st < int(strlen(txt)) and txt[st] != ',') { char c = txt[st]; if (c == ' ') ; else aux += c; ++st; } ++st; string rez = val[aux]; double x = 0.0; int ind = 0; while (ind < rez.size() and rez[ind] != '.') { x *= 10.0; x += rez[ind] - '0'; ++ind; } ++ind; double e = 0.1; while (ind < rez.size()) { x += e * (rez[ind] - '0'); ++ind; e *= 0.1; } if (p == 1) printf("%.1f", x + e * 0.5); if (p == 2) printf("%.2f", x + e * 0.5); if (p == 3) printf("%.3f", x + e * 0.5); if (p == 4) printf("%.4f", x + e * 0.5); if (p == 5) printf("%.5f", x + e * 0.5); if (p == 0) printf("%.0f", x + e * 0.5); if (p == 6) printf("%.6f", x + e * 0.5); } void number(int p) { string aux = ""; while (st < int(strlen(txt)) and txt[st] != ',') { char c = txt[st]; if (c == ' ') ; else aux += c; ++st; } ++st; string rez = val[aux]; string rez2 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i) rez2 += ' '; int ind = int(rez.size()) - 1; for (int i = int(rez2.size()) - 1; ind >= 0; --ind, --i) { rez2[i] = rez[ind]; } for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i) cout << rez2[i]; } int main() { int n; cin >> n; while (n--) { cin >>txt; string a, b; int ind = 0; while (txt[ind] != '=') { a += txt[ind]; ++ind; } ind++; while (ind < int(strlen(txt))) { b += txt[ind]; ++ind; } val[a] = b; } char c; int ind = 0; scanf("%c", &c); scanf("%c", &c); while (c != '\n') { txt[ind] = c; txt[ind + 1] = '\0'; ind++; scanf("%c", &c); } st = 0; while (st < int(strlen(txt)) and txt[st] != ',') ++st; ++st; for (int i = 0; i < int(strlen(txt)) and txt[i] != ','; ++i) { if (txt[i] == '%') { if (txt[i + 1] == 's') { str(); i += 1; continue; } if (txt[i + 1] == '.') { flo(txt[i + 2] - '0'); i += 3; continue; } if (txt[i + 1] != 's' and txt[i + 1] != '.') { number(txt[i + 1] - '0'); i += 2; continue; } } else cout << txt[i]; } return 0; }