import string def f(): listi=[0,0,0,0] count1=0 count2=0 check=[] expr=raw_input() for i in range(0,len(expr)): check.append(0) if (expr[0] in ['B','S','D','[']) or ( expr[0] in string.lowercase): for i in range(0,len(expr)): if expr[i] in ['B','b']: if (expr[i+1] in ['X','x']) and listi[0]==0 and listi[1]==0: listi[0]=1 check[i]=1 check[i+1]=1 else: if (expr[i+1] in ['P','p']) and listi[0]==0 and listi[1]==0: listi[1]=1 check[i]=1 check[i+1]=1 else: return 'ERROR' if expr[i] in ['s','S']: if (expr[i+1] in ['i','I']) and listi[2]==0 and listi[3]==0: listi[2]=1 check[i]=1 check[i+1]=1 else: return 'ERROR' if expr[i] in ['d','D']: if (expr[i+1] in ['i','I']) and listi[2]==0 and listi[3]==0: listi[2]=1 check[i]=1 check[i+1]=1 else: return 'ERROR' if expr[i]=='[': count1+=1 check[i]=1 if expr[i]==']': count2+=1 check[i]=1 if expr[i] in string.lowercase: check[i]=1 if expr[i] in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','-']: check[i]=1 if (expr[i] in ['X','P','I','x','p','i']) and ( expr[i-1] in ['B','S','D','b','s','d']): check[i]=1 if check[i]==0: return 'ERROR' if expr[i]==' ': return 'ERROR' if count1!=count2: return 'ERROR' return 'OK' return 'ERROR' print f()