''' Created on 26 apr. 2016 @author: Casian_ ''' def testUpper(t): ok = True for x in t: ok = ok and x.isupper() return ok n = int(input()) for i in range(0,n): t = input() t = t.split(' ') if len(t)!=3: print ("Incorrect!") continue if ((testUpper(t[0])) and (t[1].isnumeric()) and (testUpper(t[2]))): pass else: print ("Incorrect!") continue if (len(t[0]) not in [1,2]) or (len(t[1]) not in [2,3]) or (len(t[2]) != 3): print ("Incorrect!") elif (len(t[0]) == 1) and (t[0] !="B"): print ("Incorrect!") elif (len(t[0]) == 2) and (len(t[1]) != 2): print ("Incorrect!") else: print ("Correct!")