program problemFloodFill; type tField = array[ 1..14 ] of string[14]; var ans: array[ 1..25 ] of char; ans_n: longInt; function dfs( var f: tField; x, y: longInt; c: char ): longInt; var old: char; res: longInt; begin res := 1; old := f[x][y]; f[x][y] := c; if ( x > 1 ) and ( f[x - 1][y] = old ) then inc( res, dfs( f, x - 1, y, c ) ); if ( x < 14 ) and ( f[x + 1][y] = old ) then inc( res, dfs( f, x + 1, y, c ) ); if ( y > 1 ) and ( f[x][y - 1] = old ) then inc( res, dfs( f, x, y - 1, c ) ); if ( y < 14 ) and ( f[x][y + 1] = old ) then inc( res, dfs( f, x, y + 1, c ) ); exit( res ); end; function brute( f: tField; k: longInt ): boolean; var i, j: longInt; g: array[ '0'..'5' ] of tField; sz: array[ '0'..'5' ] of longInt; ok: boolean; c, cc: char; begin ok := true; for i := 1 to 14 do for j := 1 to 14 do if ( not ok ) or ( f[i][j] <> f[1][1] ) then begin ok := false; break; end; if ( ok ) then begin ans_n := k + 1; exit( true ); end; if ( k = 0 ) then exit( false ); for c := '0' to '5' do begin if ( f[1][1] = c ) then begin sz[c] := -1; continue; end; g[c] := f; dfs( g[c], 1, 1, c ); g[ f[1][1] ] := g[c]; sz[c] := dfs( g[ f[1][1] ], 1, 1, f[1][1] ); end; for i := 1 to 5 do begin c := '-'; for cc := '0' to '5' do if ( c = '-' ) or ( sz[cc] > sz[c] ) then c := cc; sz[c] := -1; if ( brute( g[c], k - 1 ) ) then begin ans[k] := c; exit( true ); end; end; exit( false ); end; var i: longInt; f: tField; begin for i := 1 to 14 do readln( f[i] ); brute( f, 25 ); for i := 25 downto ans_n + 1 do write( ans[i], ' ' ); writeln( ans[ans_n] ); end.