- up[i][j] be the length of the longest sequence of 1's that starts at (i, j) and extends upwards.
- left_up[i][j] be the length of the longest sequence of 1's that starts at (i, j), goes to the left 0 or more columns, and then extends upwards 1 or more rows.
When computing left_up[][], make sure that the sequence actually extends upwards, not just to the left. The following testcase fails numerous solutions (answer is 4, not 7):
4 4 1101 1101 0001 1111
The solution is constructed by joining an "L" shape, described by left_up[i][j-1] with a "|", described by up[i][j]. Complexity: O(N * M).
1 #!/usr/bin/python3 2 from copy import deepcopy 3 4 n, m = map(int, input().split()) 5 a = [input() for i in range(n)] 6 up = [[0 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)] 7 left_up = deepcopy(up) 8 9 for j in range(m): 10 up[0][j] = int(a[0][j]) 11 12 for i in range(1, n): 13 for j in range(m): 14 up[i][j] = up[i-1][j] + 1 if a[i][j] == '1' else 0 15 16 for i in range(n): 17 left_up[i][0] = up[i][0] 18 19 for i in range(n): 20 for j in range(1, m): 21 if a[i][j] == '1': 22 if up[i][j] > 1: 23 left_up[i][j] = up[i][j] 24 25 if left_up[i][j-1] > 1: 26 left_up[i][j] = max(left_up[i][j], 1+left_up[i][j-1]) 27 28 sol = 0 29 for i in range(n): 30 for j in range(1, m): 31 sol = max(sol, left_up[i][j-1] + up[i][j]) 32 33 if sol < 4: 34 sol = 0 35 36 print(sol)