To show his love for XORin, XORina gives him an array consisting of N elements on Valentine's Day. Because he loves the number 23, he replaces every number from the initial array by the remainder of its division by 23. XORina is now upset and wants to know how many unique numbers does XORin have now.
Given the initial array find out the number XORina is asking for.
The numbers from the array are signed integers represented on 32 bits.
The resulting array will be:
Given the initial array find out the number XORina is asking for.
On the first line of the input there is N, the size of the array. The second line contains N integers representing the number from the initial array.Output
Print the number of unique elements modulo 23 from the array.Constraints
1 ≤ N ≤ 100The numbers from the array are signed integers represented on 32 bits.
Input | Output |
4 100 101 0 8 | 3 |
100%23=8 101%23=9
The resulting array will be:
[8, 9, 0, 8]
and it contains 3 unique numbers.